Sunday, 7 June 2020

Duty to intervene: Floyd cops spoke up but didn't step in

Duty to intervene: Floyd cops spoke up but didn't step inMinneapolis was among several cities that had policies on the books requiring police officers to intervene to stop colleagues from using unreasonable force, but that didn't save George Floyd and law enforcement experts say such rules will always run up against entrenched police culture and the fear of being ostracized and branded a “rat.” Power dynamics may have been magnified in the Floyd case because two of the four officers involved were rookies and the most senior officer on the scene was a training officer, Derek Chauvin, a 19-year police veteran who was seen putting his knee on the back of the black man’s neck despite his cries that he couldn’t breathe. Chauvin is now charged with second-degree murder, and his three fellow officers are charged with aiding and abetting.


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