Monday, 8 June 2020

Politics latest news: Slave trader should not be 'on a statue in Bristol or anywhere else', says Keir Starmer

Politics latest news: Slave trader should not be 'on a statue in Bristol or anywhere else', says Keir StarmerCoronavirus latest news: UK quarantine will rely on voluntary cooperation, minister admits Local lockdowns could see entire cities placed back under strict regulations What about Brexit: Join our video Q&A; with James Crisp and Asa Bennett on Tuesday Divorce reforms could not be more 'ill-advised or badly timed' Cowed and cowardly ministers must stop appeasing far-Left extremists Subscribe to The Telegraph, free for one month Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said it was "completely wrong" for protesters to topple the statue of Edward Colston this weekend - but stressed it should have been taken down "a long, long time ago". Bristolians threw the slave trader's statue in the city's harbour this weekend, as part of a Black Lives Matter protest in the wake of the recent killing in US police custody of George Floyd. Speaking with LBC radio, Sir Keir said: "You can't, in 21st century Britain, have a slaver on a statue. That statue should have been brought down with consent and put in a museum. "This was a man who was responsible for 100,000 people being brought from Africa to the Caribbean as slaves, who were branded on their chests... and of those 100,000 people 20,000 died en route. "He should not be on a statue in Bristol or anywhere else." Kit Malthouse, the Policing Minister, this morning told Sky News the decision should have been taken "democratically" and not by "mob rule", saying those involved should face prosecution. Prime Minister Boris Johnson last night said the Black Lives Matter protests, which turned violent in some instances, had been "subverted by thuggery" and those involved would be "held to account". Read all the day's updates below.


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