Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Saudi seeks to raise $2.3 bn in Yemen donor conference

Saudi seeks to raise $2.3 bn in Yemen donor conferenceSaudi Arabia seeks to raise $2.3 billion from an emergency donor conference Tuesday to support war-battered Yemen as it faces a coronavirus catastrophe in the sixth year of the kingdom's military intervention. The virtual conference, which Riyadh is co-hosting with the United Nations, comes as aid groups warn that the fast-spreading virus could wreak havoc after years of war and amid crippling funding shortages. "A total of $2.3 billion is being sought to cover emergency requirements in Yemen across multiple humanitarian sectors, including medical, food and shelter assistance," a Saudi government statement said.

source https://news.yahoo.com/saudi-seeks-raise-2-3-bn-yemen-donor-014214404.html

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