Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Get my plane! Virus-era EU summit not all smiles and elbow bumps

Get my plane! Virus-era EU summit not all smiles and elbow bumpsEuropean Union leaders had hoped the relief of seeing each other face-to-face after five months apart under coronavirus lockdown would ease their fraught debate. It did not turn out that way -- despite beginning with cheerful elbow bumps and birthday gifts for 66-year-old Angela Merkel, Germany's chancellor and a veteran of Brussels' conference rooms. When the 27 leaders emerged into the dawn light on Belgium's national day on Tuesday to unveil their post-virus recovery plan, they had been locked in a formal summit for four days and nights -- more than 90 hours of horsetrading.

source https://news.yahoo.com/plane-virus-era-eu-summit-not-smiles-elbow-043206237.html

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