The sight of knives slicing into cakes that resemble everything from fruit to toilet roll has driven some people to existential crisesHere sits a Croc, the ugliest shoe in the world, until somebody just cuts it in half. It’s a cake. A cake with spongy, multicolored insides. Which means that you should be ready for this humble roll of toilet roll to be … What?! That’s a cake too?The bakers behind these realistic creations, such as the American cake artist Natalie Sideserf and Turkish cake artist Tuba Geçkil, make cakes that imitate fruit, still lifes and even people. Sometimes their cakes look so real, you wonder whether a crime is about to be committed when the knife edge approaches what seems to be a person (Geçkil has even made cake portraits of Donald Trump and Angela Merkel.) > These Are All Cakes> > — Tasty (@tasty) July 8, 2020Here is a lathered-up bar of soap, a house-plant, a plate of kebab that are all actually sweet things. Sometimes what draws you in is how realistic they are: you sit, watching a pizza that turns out to be a cake, and start to wonder whether your whole life is, in fact, one big cake.Sometimes it’s about texture: watch a hairy coconut turn out to be a cake, or a pile of frayed beach towels. Other times, the trick is that the object you didn’t notice turns out be a cake – having recently realized that a set of towels is, in fact, an edible artwork, you realize the washing powder behind them is, too.> The year is 2030. Bakery art is so realistic, literally anything could be cake. The uncertainty has gripped the world in fear. I go to hug my wife for comfort. She is cake.> > — MehGyver (@TheAndrewNadeau) July 9, 2020But in recent weeks, this issue is becoming so meta that some people are having existential crises, too. How can this chicken burger be a cake? Is anything not a cake any more? How long until I find out my wife is, in fact, a cake?There are many layers (pun intended – but also, I’m being serious, look!) to this debate, but here’s the icing on the cake: if everything is a cake, at least you can have your cake and eat it too – all the time.