Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Brexit will help firms 'overcome' Covid-19, Scottish Secretary to tell landowners

Brexit will help firms 'overcome' Covid-19, Scottish Secretary to tell landownersBrexit will help Scottish businesses "overcome" the devastating impact of the coronavirus pandemic thanks to the new opportunities it will create, the Scottish Secretary will tell landowners today (tues). Alister Jack will tell the Scottish Land & Estates (SLE) annual conference that leaving the EU will allow Scotland to "shape new domestic agricultural policies to better suit our farmers." Highlighting the UK Global Tariff, which will replace the EU's Common External Tariff on Jan 1, 2021, he will say: "Households will see the cost of thousands of everyday products reduced as we cut red tape." In the keynote address to the online event, he will argue this "straightforward approach" will help "businesses overcome the unprecedented economic challenges posed by coronavirus." Mr Jack is expected to tell the conference: "As daunting as the challenges posed by Covid are, we must not let the virus deflect us from maximising the very real opportunities which lie ahead of us outside of the EU." He will repeatedly assure landowners that post-Brexit trade deals will not damage food, animal welfare and environmental standards.

source https://news.yahoo.com/brexit-help-firms-overcome-covid-191039551.html

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