Tuesday 18 June 2024

Investigating plasma deviations inside nuclear fusion reactors

Tokamaks are one of the most widely studied technologies in the global effort to achieve sustained nuclear fusion. Using intense magnetic fields, they confine superheated plasma within their doughnut-shaped interiors, allowing atomic nuclei to fuse together and release vast amounts of energy.

Tokamaks are among the most extensively studied technologies in the global pursuit of sustained nuclear fusion. These devices use powerful magnetic fields to confine superheated plasma within their doughnut-shaped interiors, allowing atomic nuclei to fuse and release immense energy.

For successful fusion, the plasma must be confined tightly enough to sustain the reaction indefinitely. However, small deviations in the plasma's motion, caused by imperfections in the magnetic field coils or temperature fluctuations, pose a significant challenge. Accurate quantification of these deviations is crucial for correcting disruptions.

In a study published in **Fundamental Plasma Physics**, researchers Matheus Palmero and IberĂȘ Caldas from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, investigated the characteristics of intermittent plasma behavior. Their work offers new insights into the factors influencing plasma evolution as it deviates from expected motion. Applying these theories in practical tokamak operation could bring us closer to achieving sustained nuclear fusion.

Within a tokamak, fluctuating plasma can be described by a "mixed phase space," where chaotic and regular motions coexist. Palmero and Caldas conducted two numerical investigations into mixed phase space characteristics, considering the magnetic fields used for plasma confinement.

Their first approach identified repeating patterns in chaotic plasma trajectories, highlighting significant variations in magnetic field lines from their usual arrangement. The second approach focused on the short-lived dynamics of these field lines just before they escape the tokamak.

By providing deeper insights into tokamak plasma evolution, Palmero and Caldas aim to enhance researchers' understanding of plasma behavior in mixed phase space. Their methods could eventually lead to advanced techniques for more effective plasma confinement.

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